Hillman Baptist Church
Mora, Minnesota 
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Welcome to Hillman!
  9:30  Sunday School 
10:30  Church
2748 Jade St, Mora, MN 55051

Worship... Our desire at Hillman Baptist Church is to glorify God in thought, word, and deed. As a church family, it is our desire to joyfully worship Him together as brothers and sisters in Christ, proclaiming the marvelous truth of His word.

Spiritual Growth... Being "rooted and grounded in love" is our intention, by the grace of God, to grow in our knowledge of Him. As we abide in the true vine, Jesus Christ, We are assured that by the power and working of His Holy Spirit living in us, we can be "filled with all the fullness of God".

Outreach... We believe the love of Christ is manifested within the church body through a deep concern and love for the unsaved and needy within our community and throughout the world.